How Being Less Than 100% Authentic Can Kill Your Mojo
I'm a pretty authentic chick, for the most part.
That said, when I love somebody I morph into a somewhat "permeable membrane", to quote Elizabeth Gilbert. I so want to give my beloved - be it friend, children, or lover - everything that would make them happy that I frequently land myself in the poorhouse, emotionally and literally.
I don't like to think of myself as a people pleaser and I'm not exactly being's just that I leave out the ugly bits sometimes. I've historically let it go when my needs or boundaries aren't honored. It's not worth fighting about.
Except that it is.
Worth fighting for, that is.
Now, I am fortunate that I have some real and true friends who will call me on this behavior when they catch it. Thank god for that. When my core group tells me "Your light is going out." "You've lost your mojo." and the fatal "I didn't want to say anything but..." I know it's time to act.
To dig deep and get real.
So I dig. I excavate and dust off all the stuff that I've buried down in the dirt and the muck in order to keep everyone's life pretty.
Do you know what happens then?
Honesty. I vomit hardcore, brutal honesty like I spent the last night on a Jack Daniels bender. It's not pretty. It frequently stinks. It can be really, quite awful. But it purges me. It cleanses me of the fakery and forces me to be 100 percent authentic. Afterward I feel lightened, relieved... the way throwing up is a relief after hours and hours of sweaty nausea. And then everyone says "Thank God, you're back".
There has to be a better way.
So I'm trying the following three things.
1. Tell the unvarnished truth. - Even when it's hard and scary. Even when it hurts like hell.
2. Insist on boundaries being respected. - By everyone. All the time. No exceptions.
3. Do not engage in toxic conversations. - Nope. Not at all. Kindly say "I'm not doing this with you" and walk away.
I figure taking these three steps along with my daily meditation and spiritual practice will keep me from allowing myself to violate my Self.
What is your check and balance for keeping yourself on track and 100% authentic?
Feel free to comment below.